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Video: Are you the next Ronaldinho or David Beckham? Try our Crossbar ...


Carrick boss Gary Haveron Fancy yourself as a footballer? Think you can hit the crossbar from the halfway line?

We are challenging teams and individuals across Northern Ireland and beyond to see if they can perform the feat in The Park's Crossbar Challenge.

To kick things off, the entire Carrick Rangers team sent us a video of them taking part. See Ryan Burns hit the bar from the halfway line while the rest of the side fail miserably to repeat his feat. Will gaffer Gary Haveron steal the glory at the end?

We want submissions from anyone willing to give it a go, no matter what level you play. With a mobile phone, it's never been easier to capture your team at their best. Can you beat Carrick's grand total?

Send your efforts to: and we'll post them to for the world to see.

Go on... Have a go. And please, no swearing or inappropriate comments, otherwise we won't be able to use it.

What are you waiting for? Get filming!!

Ronaldinho hits the crossbar four times in a row David Beckham scores from the halfway line


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